State of Wyoming - Government
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | WXYZ
Abandoned Mines
Department of Environmental Quality To correct safety hazards and damage to the environment resulting from past mining activities, and to assist Wyoming communities impacted by mining.
Administration and Information
Department of Administration and Information.Seven divisions including the office of the Director make up the agency. An accounting section is placed within the Director's office to serve all divisions of the department as well as statewide billing for Central Mail, Information Technology, Copier Program, Telecommunications, Leasing, and MVMS. Administration and Information provides statewide support for such functions as human resources, accounting, facilities and construction management, common enterprise information technology services, the state library, and economic analysis. The fiscal and housing responsibilities of the Office of the Chief Information Officer reside within Administration and Information--the CIO reports to the Governor. Administration and Information also supports or operates in conjunction with over 30 Professional Licensing Boards.
Administration and Support Division for Department of Employment
Department of Employment.The purpose of Administration and Support is to implement and administer appropriate internal fiscal and budget controls and internal human resource functions. Administration and Support consists of the director's office, fiscal, budget and human resources activities.
Department of Agriculture. The Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA) has the leadership role within the agricultural industry and provides knowledge and expertise to promote profitability and to protect the production, marketing and delivery of consumer goods, thus ensuring honesty and integrity in the marketplace.
Air Quality Division
Department of Environmental Quality. Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations (WAQS&R), Programs of the Air Quality Division, Air Quality Advisory Board.
Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources. The Office of the Wyoming State Archaeologist was established in 1967 to conduct research, publish results, perform public outreach, and assist with cultural resource management.
Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources. The Archives provides services through three work units: Reference and Research, Records Management, and Technical Services. The Archives also sponsors or participates in workshops, conferences, and various other events pertaining to Wyoming history and the preservation and management of records.
Arts Council
Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources. The Wyoming Arts Council's mission is to enhance Wyoming's quality of life and its cultural and economic strength.
Auto Registration
Department of Transportation. Links to county officials for auto tiltles and registrations.
Department of Audit. The Division's mission is to maintain a financial regulatory system for Wyoming that promotes a progressive banking environment, ensures fair and lawful consumer related financial transactions, provides the public with convenient, safe and competitive banking and allows for economic development within this State.
Birth Certificates
Department of Health-Vital Records Instructions on how to obtain copies of birth certificates.
Boards and Commissions
Secretary of State / Administration and Information. A complete list of all boards and commissions in the State of Wyoming. In addition, you can view openings, search the entire list, apply to become a board member, and view a list of all Boards and Commissions with websites by clickingHERE.
Board of Education
Department of Education The State Board of Education includes eleven members appointed by the Governor, with consent of the Senate. Major responsibilities of the Board include the adoption of rules, regulations, and standards governing a wide variety of fiscal and procedural matters pertaining to public education.
Brand Inspection
Livestock Board. Inspection requirements, brand inspectors, inspection forms, and history of brand inspection in Wyoming.
Brand Recording
Livestock Board. Ordering brand books, how to apply for a brand, and how to transfer a brand.
Child Support
Department of Family Services. Child support offices, wanted poster, child support enforcement.
The OCIO mission is to establish and refine an information technology structure, which increases the ability of State agencies to deliver quality, cost effective services to the citizens of Wyoming.
Wyoming State Climatologist. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC).
Community Colleges
Community College Commission.Coordination, Advocacy, and Accountability for the Community College System on behalf of the people of Wyoming. List of commissioners, community colleges, and staff of the CCC.
Administration and Infomation. The Division of Information Technology (ITD) combines the former Computer Technology Division and the Telecommunications Division. ITD provides computer technology leadership and services. ITD supports and enhances the information content and information transfer needs of the state. ITD meets the service needs of customers through internal and external partnerships.
Secretary of State. Public Access to Corporations. This page enables you to check the status of any entity registered in the state of Wyoming.
Department of Corrections. The Wyoming Department of Corrections, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and humane control, contributes to the protection of society and actively encourages and assists offenders to become law-abiding citizens. Links to open positions, press releases and information on all State Correctional Facilities.
Wyoming Board of Cosmetology To ensure the public health, welfare, and safety through education and enforcement of the cosmetology laws and rules by regulation of salons, schools, and individuals who practice cosmetology.
County Clerks
Department of Transportation. Links to county officials.
State of Wyoming Judicial Branch. Here you will find what is hoped to be helpful and informative information about the Judicial Branch of state government.
Cultural Resources
State Parks and Cultural Resources. Link to the various sections within the Cultural Resources Division including: Archives, Archaeology, Wyoming Arts Council, State Museum, State Historic Preservation Office.
Death Certificates
Department of Health-Vital Records. Instructions on how to obtain copies of death certificates.
Developmental Disabilities
Wyoming Division of Developmental Disabilities. The Division of Developmental Disabilities is responsible for the Wyoming State Training School in Lander, Wyoming, as well as extensive preschool services, early intervention services, children's home and community-based services, adult home and community-based waiver services throughout Wyoming.
Secretary of State. The purpose of the 1999 Wyoming State Government Directory is to aid citizens in accessing state government. The Directory includes a brief listing of county and federal officials in order to help maintain open lines of communication with all branches of government.
Divorce Certificates
Department of Health-Vital Records. Instructions on how to obtain copies of divorce certificates.
Driver Licenses
Wyoming Department of Transportation. Locations of Wyoming Driver License Exam stations and their hours. Also, links to information about License classes, test requirements, fees, identification, driving record copies, accident procedures, suspensions, cancellations and revocations.
Economic Development
Wyoming Business Council, Economic and Community Development. To create opportunity for economic growth. The Division of Economic and Community Development (DECD) was transferred to the newly formed Wyoming Business Council on July 1, 1998. All duties and responsibilities of this division were also transferred.
Administration and Information - Division of Economic Analysis. To coordinate, develop, and disseminate economic/demographic research and information.
Wyoming Department of Education. Vast amounts of Information concering public education in Wyoming including links to various schools and districts around the state, information on fin ance reform, teacher certification, education resources, and employment within the department.
Secretary of State. Information about registering for office, election results and other information pertaining to elections in Wyoming.
Electrical Safety
Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety. The Department is responsible for examiniation and licensing of skilled electricians; electrical inspections in homes, schools and business; interpretation of the national electrical code to local entities, electrical contractors and the general public; and permitting for electrical installations.
Emergency Medical
Department of Health. Located within the Wyoming Department of Health's Preventive Medicine Branch, the Office of Emergency Medical Services and Injury Control provides oversight to a variety of programs.
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Information on employment opportunities within the State of Wyoming. Additional links: America's Job Bank and employment opportunities in Wyoming State Government. Additional links: America's Job Bank and employment opportunities in Wyoming State Government,
Employment Tax Division
Department of Employment.The Employment Tax Division is responsible for employer registrations, reporting and tax collections for both unemployment insurance and workers' compensation. Wyoming has joint (unemployment insurance and workers' compensation) reporting, registration and audit functions for employers.
Film Office
Wyoming Business Council. Information about shooting in Wyoming quickly and efficiently.
Firefighter Training
Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety. Information on fire prevention, fire systems, building codes, permitting, licensing, events calendars, fire fighter certification and much more.
Fire Marshal's Office
Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety. Information on fire prevention, fire systems, building codes, permitting, licensing, events calendars, fire fighter certification and much more.
Fire Prevention
Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety. Information on fire prevention, fire systems, building codes, permitting, licensing, events calendars, fire fighter certification and much more.
Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Information about fishing in the State of Wyoming including, license fees, commission regulations, native fish, and nonative fish.
Geographic Information Oversight and Coordination
Wyoming Geographic Coordination Structure (WGCS).The WGCS will promote statewide interests and requirements for mapping data. The WGCS will ensure that state and local interests are represented and will communicate and coordinate the state's requirements to the appropriate federal sector. Further, the WGCS will serve, where possible, as a focal point for coordination between federal and state agencies for mapping programs and products, encouraging input from county, local and private parties.
Geological Survey
Wyoming State Geological Survey. To promote the beneficial and environmentally sound use of Wyoming's vast geologic, mineral, and energy resources while helping protect the public from geologic hazards.
Government Information Xchange
United States Government. Here you can search on topics such as: the federal directory, state and local government, shopping, foreign and international subjects and more.
Hazardous Waste
Department of Environmental Quality. Links to information pertaining to solid and hazardous waste, including upcoming events, recycleing information. and solid waste guidelines.
Public Health Programs and Services
Department of Health. Links to information pertaining to public health programs and services.
Highway Conditions
Wyoming Department of Transportation. Reports for traveling conditions across the state, highway construction projects, highways closing for winter season, restrictions, reconstruction information including expected delays, and mileage between Wyoming cities.
Highway Patrol
Wyoming Department of Transportation. Links to regional offices, common questions, and special notices.
Homeland Security
Wyoming Office of Homeland Security. Wyoming Office of Homeland Security coordinates state and federal resources to assist communities in consequence management, damage assessment and recovery from disasters caused by natural, manmade and technological dangers, as well as hazardous materials releases, civil disorders and terrorism.
Historic Sites
Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources. The Mission of Wyoming State Parks and Historic Sites is to provide quality recreational and cultural land and opportunities that meet or exceed the expectations of our State's residents and visitors and to be responsible stewards of our resources.
Human Resources
Administration and Information. Links to various sections of the Human Resources Division including: Employment/Job s in state government, state personnel rules, compensation/pay tables, and on-line employment applications.
Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Information about hunting in the State of Wyoming. Links to license types and fees, big game licese drawing, leftover licenses, hunting safety information, commission regulations and on-line application forms.
Industrial Siting
Department of Environmental Quality. Information about the Industrial Development Information and Siting Act.
Insurance Department
Insurance Department The Wyoming Insurance Department is responsible for regulating the business of insurance in the state of Wyoming.
Job Bank
Department of Employment. Job listings throughout the State of Wyoming.
Juvenile Justice
Department of Family Services. To improve the quality of life for Wyoming’s youth by working with communities to develop and maintain effective prevention programs, intervention programs, and community-based strategic planning in the areas of delinquency prevention, juvenile justice, and youth services.
State Laboratories
Statewide. Information on the Public Health Lab, Veterinary Lab, Department of Agriculture, Game and Fish, State Crime Lab, WYDOT, and Department of Environmental Quality.
Labor Standards
Department of Employment.The Wyoming Department of Employment, Labor Standards office, enforces all labor laws enacted for the protection of Wyoming workers.
Land Quality
Department of Environmental Quality. Charged by the Environmental Quality Act with the administration and enforcement of all statutes and rules and regulations dealing with mining and reclamation within the State of Wyoming.
State of Wyoming Legislative Branch. Information on all aspects of the State Legislature including: bills and files, events, session information, state statutes, budget and fiscal information, legislature members an e-mail addresses and the General Session.
Administration and Information. To anticipate and respond to the needs of the people of Wyoming for information and library services in partnership with libraries, government agencies and other information providers.
Marriage Licenses
Directory/County Clerk. Links to county clerks for marriage licensing.
Marriage Records
Department of Health - Vital Records. Instructions on how to obtain copies of marriage certificates.
Mine Inspection
Department of Employment. It is the duty of the Division of Mine Insepctions and Safety to enter, inspect, and examine any mining operation, whether in the process of development, construction, or operation, and inspect the workings and machinery belonging thereto
Miner's Hospital Board
Wyoming Miner's Hospital Board. The Board is dedicated to providing healthcare programs that will contribute to the improved health of miners. These programs will help in the early detection of illnesses in the four areas, pulmonary, hearing loss, cardiac and musculoskeletal conditions related to labor in the mining industry or the board will aid in making access to health care easier.
Missing Persons
Office of the Attorney General - Division of Criminal Investigation. During the 1990 Wyoming legislative session, the legislature mandated; The Office of the Attorney General shall establish and operate a central repository of information and clearing- house on missing persons and missing children." (Reference 90LSO-0206, Section 200, subsection (e).
Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources. Information on Wyoming State Museum programs and projects, and to encourage visitation to other Wyoming museums.
National Guard
Wyoming Military Department. Links to the Air National Guard, Army National Guard, Wyoming Emergency Management Agency, and the Veterans Affairs Commission.
Secretary of State. A notary public is a public officer who, upon application, is commissioned by the Secretary of State for a four-year term and holds an office of trust and profit.
Department of Administration and Information. To protect and enhance the health and well-being of all Wyoming citizens and to see that those at risk are identified and served.
Occupational Health and Safety
Department of Employment.Links to various workplace health and safety issues dealing with the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases by abiding by rules and regulations. (Also referred to as Wyoming OSHA).
Oil and Gas
Oil & Gas Conservation Commission. Links to various entities of the State of Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission.
Administration and Information. Links to various sections of the Human Resources Division including: Employment/Jobs in state government, state personnel rules, compensation/pay tables, and on-line employment applications.
The Wyoming Pipeline Authority is actively engaged in promoting the development of intrastate and interstate pipeline infrastructure necessary to enhance natural resource development within Wyoming and encourage the export of these natural resource supplies in the Rocky Mountain region to the nation.
Public Service Commission
Public Service Commission. The mission of the Public Service Commission (PSC) is to protect the public interest of utility consumers.
Wyoming Retirement System. The Wyoming Retirement System mission is to administer the six legislatively mandated retirement programs, the Deferred Compensation Program and the Prudential Life Insurance Program in a professional, ethical, economical and responsive manner, for the benefit of the 60,000 plus retirement program members, consistent with Wyoming Retirement Board policies, all applicable laws and rules and regulations and with the vision, philosophy, and functional goals established by the State for the operation of State and local governments; and to administer the legislatively mandated Social Security program in the same professional, ethical, economical and responsive manner for the benefit of Wyoming public employers and public employees.
Risk Management
TheRisk Management Section of the Department of Administration and Information, General Services Division, performs the duties required of it pursuant to statute, Claims administration, Property/Casualty Insurance Programs, Risk Management Consulting Services/Loss Control, and Subrogation.
Road Conditions
Wyoming Department of Transportation. Reports for travelling conditions across the state, highway construction projects, highways closing for winter season, restrictions, reconstruction information including expected delays, and mileage between Wyoming cities.
Secretary of State. State Agencies Rules and Regulations.
Secretary of State
Secretary of State. Information on Corporations, Elections, Notaries, Rules, and Securities.
Secretary of State. The Securities Division is charged with oversight of investment sales in this state.
Silent Witness
Wyoming Silent Witness Initiative The Silent Witness Initiative is dedicated to the Wyoming women who lost their lives during a brutal incident of domestic violence. It is in their memory that we go forward - touched, changed and Silent No More!
Solid Waste
Department of Environmental Quality. Solid waste guidelines, recycling information and events of public interest.
State Historic Preservation
Dept of State Parks and Cultural Resources documents and preserves the rich cultural heritage of Wyoming.
State Climatologist
Information about Wyoming weather patterns and conditions.
State Jobs
Administration and Information. Information and instructions about job listings, current job announcements, continuous job announcements, on-line employment applications and other employment opportunity links.
State Lands
Office of State Lands and Investments. To manage State owned land and mineral resources to enhance value and optimize economic return in the interest of the State's schools and institutions, consistent with business management principles in a manner that promotes socio-economic growth and stability in Wyoming.
State Parks
Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources. To provide quality recreational and cultural land and opportunities that meet or exceed the expectations of our State's residents and visitors and to be responsible stewards of our resources.
Department of Revenue. The Agency's Primary Mission is the prompt, fair and efficient administration and collection of property, mineral and excise taxes for the State of Wyoming.
Wyoming Business Council. They offer information on Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Devil's Tower National Monument, and many of Wyoming's other major attractions.
Administration and Information. General employee training courses, computer training courses, and training policies and procedures.
Wyoming Department of Transportation. Highway conditions, contractor information, highway patrol, driver's licensing, transportation modes, WYDOT news, and PSA's.
Unclaimed Property
Treasurer's Office. The Unclaimed Property Act is a consumer protection law requiring unclaimed property be held in perpetuity until the owners or heirs collect the funds.
Unemployment Insurance Division
Department of Employment. Unemployment Insurance is a program to pay temporary benefits to those workers who lose their job through no fault of their own, are seeking work, and meet definite requirements.
University of Wyoming
University of Wyoming. It's in our nature to give our students the special, individual attention usually associated with a small undergraduate college while providing the breadth and depth typical of a major research university.
Vehicle Registration
Secretary of State - Directory/County Clerk. Links to county officials for a variety of services including vehicle registration, marriage licensing, clerk of the court, etc.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Department ofWorkforce Services. To advance opportunities for persons with disabilities in Wyoming to be employed and independent.
National Weather Service, Cheyenne, WY. Additional Weather Links: NWS Eastern Wyoming, NWS Central and Western Wyoming WeatherNet's Wyoming Weather and Wyoming weather from The Weather Channel
State Engineer's Office. The Wyoming State Engineer's Office is charged with the regulation and administration of the water resources in Wyoming.
Water Resources Data System
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Wyoming. The Water Resources Data System is a clearinghouse of hydrological and climatological data for the State of Wyoming. Funded from an allocation from the Wyoming Water Development Commission, the System offers a wide range of products and services to its users.
Water Quality
Department of Environmental Quality. Charged by the Environmental Quality Act with the administration and enforcement of all statutes and rules and regulations dealing with water quality within the State of Wyoming.
Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust
Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust. The Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust (WWNRT) was created by legislative action in 2005 for the purposes of preserving and enhancing Wyoming's wildlife and natural resources.
Workers' Safety and Compensation Division
Department of Employment. The Wyoming Workers' Safety and Compensation Division's Web site, provides helpful information about reporting an injury in the workplace, disability benefits, and related subjects.
Workforce Services
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services is charged with developing a comprehensive and effective system to deliver services that build our workforce and meet the demands of Wyoming's changing economy.
Wyoming Council for Women's Issues
Women's Issues The mission of the Wyoming Council for Women's Issues (WCWI) is to work to improve the quality and equality of life for Wyoming Women. WCWI focuses its actions on the needs and concerns of Wyoming women in the following areas: (1) employment practices, (2) educational opportunities, (3) home and community, and (4) legal rights and responsibilities.
