Health and Social Services: West Virginia
Maintaining proper health is vital to ensuring the highest quality of life possible. West Virginia strives to provide one of the best health care systems in the country that is affordable and available to all residents of the state. This section contains numerous resources to assist you in accessing the health care services provided in the state.

Health and Social Service Resources

Adult Tobacco Survey - 2005
West Virginia's plan for reducing the burden of tobacco use in West Virginia.

Air Bags and Unrestrained Front Seat Occupants
This publication by the Child Fatality Review Team explains the danger to West Virginians of riding in air bag equipped vehicles without properly using seatbelts.

Asthma Hospitalizations, 1996-2006
This brief summarizes data obtained from the West Virginia Health Care Authority and the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) on asthma hospitalizations in West Virginia and the United States.

Asthma Surveillance in the West Virginia CHIP Population
Report on Asthma Surveillance in the West Virginia CHIP Population Year 2005.

Asthma Surveillance in the West Virginia Medicaid Population
Report on Asthma Surveillance in the West Virginia Medicaid Population, 2001-2003.

Birth to Three
WV Birth to Three is a statewide system of services and supports for children under age three who have a delay in their development, or may be at risk of having a delay, and their family. The Department of Health and Human Resources, through the Bureau for Public Health and the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, WV Birth to Three, as the lead agency for Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), assures that family centered, community based services are available to all eligible children and families.

Children and Adult Services
Here you will find information on the many children and adult social services offered by the Bureau for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Resources.

Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease - A state and national problem
This report provides information on Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease: Causes, diagnosis, treatment, mortality, and economic cost for WV and US.

County Health Profiles - 2004
This on-line publication provides an overview of the health and socioeconomic status of West Virginia residents on the state and county levels. Selected health indicators include causes of death, premature deaths, behavioral prevalence, births by age group, births to unwed mothers, tobacco use during pregnancy, infant deaths, and population.

Critical Access Hospital Map
Map of all critical access hospitals in the State of West Virginia.

Customer Service Referral Help Line
Tired of wading through answering machine selections? Having trouble finding your way around government to get the help you need? The Secretary of State would like to help you locate the person in West Virginia state or local government who has the answer to your question.

Dementia: The Growing Crisis in West Virginia
This report seeks to present an overview of dementia and the burden it increasingly is imposing on the State of West Virginia.

Early Care and Education
This directory can point you to resources related to early child care and early education.

Epidemiologic Profile of HIV/AIDS in West Virginia, 2003
An overview of HIV/AIDS in West Virginia.

Family Assistance Services
This page lists the multiple family assistance services offered by the Bureau of Children and Families.

Fatal Injury in West Virginia
A report by the Center for Rural Emergency Medicine, WVU, prepared on behalf of the West Virginia Injury Prevention Coalition.

Guide for Developing a Local Source Water and Protection Program
Step-by-step guide for developing a local source water assessment and protection program.

Health Care Facilities Directory
This document is a description of Health Care Facilities statewide, contact persons for each program, and a county-by-county breakdown of available services.

Healthcare Coverage Assistance
West Virginia offers a number of options to fulfill individual health coverage needs and the needs of small businesses to provide employees health care plan options.

HIPAA Policy, Procedure and Forms
Procedures and forms for the health insurance portability and accountability act.

HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report - Year End 2001-2006
A report on HIV/AIDS statistics through 2006.

InROADS - Food Stamps, Medicaid, CHIP, Clothing, Energy Assistance Programs
inROADS - the Information Network for Resident Online Access and Delivery of Services - evaluates you for possible eligibility and allows you to apply / review for benefits offered by the state of West Virginia and lets you check on your benefits information online.

Locate an Optometrist
Search for an Optometrist licensed by the State Board of Optometry.

Minority Health in West Virginia - April 2007
Report issued to provide assistance to health planners and policymakers in developing strategies to improve the health of the state’s minority populations.

Obesity: Facts, Figures, Guidelines
A report on obesity in West Virginia.

Office of Minority Health
The mission of the West Virginia Office of Minority Health is to improve and protect the health and well-being of racial and ethnic minorities through the development of programs, policies and practices to eliminate health disparities.

Partnership for a Healthy WV
The mission of the West Virginia Healthy Lifestyle Coalition is to coordinate and promote healthy lifestyle programs. This will be accomplished by surveillance, education, community-based intervention and outcomes research as well as legislative and public policy.

Pregnancy and Diabetes in WV
A report on pregnancy and Diabetes in West Virginia. The data presented in this document confirm the need for strict management of diabetes during pregnancy to curtail both economic costs and short- and long-term health problems for mother and child.

Prescription Drug Assistance
West Virginians have a number of options for prescription drug assistance and free or low-cost medications.

Rabies Prevention and Surveillance
Reporting guidelines, protocol, and general information on rabies in the State of West Virginia.

Racial Disparities in Cigarette Smoking Among Adults
This brief describes racial disparities in cigarette smoking and outlines progress toward reaching the Healthy People 2010 goal to reduce cigarette smoking among African Americans in West Virginia.

Raze WV
We are Raze: West Virginia’s teens, tearing down the lies of Big Tobacco and fighting them with all we’ve got - our passion, our power and our minds.

Statement on Preventing Child Drownings in West Virginia
This publication gives recommendations on preventing child drowning deaths and injuries in West Virginia.

Statistics on Child Drownings in West Virginia
This report prepared by the Child Fatality Review Team gives data on 5 years of child drownings in West Virginia and recommendations for prevention of child drownings.

The Burden of Arthritis in West Virginia - 2003
This report describes the prevalence of arthritis in the State of West Virginia.

The Burden of Asthma in West Virginia - November 2007
This report is used by the Asthma Education and Prevention Program and the West Virginia Asthma Coalition to guide the planning and implementation of activities and interventions to address asthma in this state. This report identifies four populations in West Virginia at highest risk for asthma complications: 1) children, 2) adults age 65 and older, 3) adult women, and 4) West Virginians of low socioeconomic status.

The Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in West Virginia
A report on the existing problem of cardiovascular disease in West Virginia.

The Burden of Osteoporosis in West Virginia
A comprehensive report on the impact of osteoporosis on the citizens of West Virginia.

The Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease in West Virginia
This report presents an overview of Chronic Kidney Disease and the growing impact the disease is having on the State of West Virginia.

Tobacco is Killing (and Costing) Us
A report on tobacco use rates, smoking-related deaths, and smoking-related health care costs in West Virginia.

Tobacco Prevention in West Virginia: A Progress Report, April 2004
This report gives a status report of tobacco use prevention efforts in West Virginia.

Understanding Stroke in West Virginia
A comprehensive examination of cerebrovascular disease, the fourth leading cause of death in the Mountain State.

Vital Statistics
Population, Birth, Death, Marriage, and other health statistics from 1996 to 2005.

West Virginia 2004 County Health Profiles
The profiles provide an overview of the health and socioeconomic status of West Virginia residents on the state and county levels.

West Virginia Aging Health Status Report
This report is an attempt to clearly depict the health status of older West Virginians. It describes the leading causes of death and disability among the older population, so that priorities might be more easily established for health promotion and disease prevention. It describes common individual risk factors that lead to premature disability and death, and summarizes additional socio-economic factors that play a role in securing good health

West Virginia and the United States: A Comparison of Firearm-Related Mortality Rates
Firearm-related violence exacts a terrible toll from our nation in both human and financial terms. Firearms pose a greater risk of injury and death than other weapons, and certain groups are more at risk of suffering firearm-related violence. With the risk increasing nationwide, this 1996 study examines if West Virginia is following trends evident in the country as a whole.

West Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Report
The West Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Survey report measures a range of risk factors that can affect our health. This report presents state survey results for the years 2004 and 2005 as well as county data combined for the latest available five years (typically 2001 through 2005). The information in this document serves as a resource for governments, business leaders, schools, and community groups, all of which are helping to shape the health of West Virginia.

West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program
The West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program (WVBCCSP) is a comprehensive public health program that helps uninsured or underinsured women gain access to breast and cervical cancer screening services. Screening and early detection reduces death rates, improves treatment options, and greatly increases survival.

West Virginia Healthy People - 2010
This publication sets the public health agenda for the next decade. Prepared with the cooperation of over 300 people, it sets target goals for 29 health topics.

West Virginia Immunization Program
The mission of the West Virginia Immunization Program is to prevent and control vaccine-preventable diseases among children, adolescents and adults of West Virginia

West Virginia State Health report
This report outlines both the Manchin Administration’s progress to date and a strategic vision for our future work to continue to address West Virginia’s health care challenges.

West Virginia Tobacco Prevention Strategic Plan 2003-2008
West Virginia's plan for reducing the burden of tobacco use in West Virginia.

West Virginia Youth Tobacco Survey
This report shows tobacco use prevalence of schoolchildren in West Virginia.

WIC Benefits
WIC is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. WIC was established in 1972, as a pilot project following a national survey that found anemia and inadequate growth to be common among American children in low-income families.
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