Environment: West Virginia
From the rugged Appalachian Mountains to the Ohio River Valley, West Virginia is home to some of the most beautiful places in the country. Protecting our environment and abundance of natural resources is key to preserving them for future generations. Learn more about how to keep our state wild and wonderful in this section.

Environment Resources

Agricultural Pest Survey Programs Unit
The mission of the Agricultural Pest Survey Programs Unit is to carry out the provisions of certain agricultural laws and to enforce the rules, regulations and quarantines that have resulted from these laws

AmeriCorps State Application Guidelines for State Formula Programs
Established in 1994, the West Virginia Commission for National and Community Service challenges West Virginians to strengthen their communities through service and volunteerism. Part of the Governor’s Office, the Commission is charged with advising the Governor of strategies for using service to address critical community needs. Each year, the Commission makes grants to organizations and agencies so that they can engage AmeriCorps members to “get things done.” These AmeriCorps members, most of them recruited from West Virginia communities, tackle critical needs in the areas of education, the environment, housing, and family services. They achieve measurable benefits such as raising students’ test scores, building community parks, weatherizing low income housing, and helping people move from welfare to work. Along the way, the AmeriCorps members gain skills and earn an education award they can use to pay for college, graduate school, or vocational school, or to repay a student loan. The purpose of these guidelines is to describe the process you should use to apply for AmeriCorps formula funds for the 2008/2009 program year.

Department of Environmental Protection Annual Report
The annual report serves as a snapshot of the agency’s continued efforts to promote a healthy environment. The numbers, facts and charts included in this report represent the many ways the staff of the various divisions work with the people of West Virginia to make a positive impact every day.

Department of Environmental Protection Citizen Guide
Informational guide about the Department of Environmental Protection that will enable citizens to become familiar with the DEP as an agency.

Department of Environmental Protection Permitting Guide
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), under the direction of Cabinet Secretary Stephanie R. Timmermeyer, has prepared this handbook to assist individuals and businesses in West Virginia who may have a need for an environmentally related permit from the State.

Environmental Protection Map
Interactive maps of oil and gas wells, abandoned mines, toxic release inventory, and open dump cleanup and landfill closure assistance projects.

EQuIS Multimedia Electronic Data Deliverable Master Template
This blank notebook contains all the MEDD formats for the various submissions. A valid value list is attached to the appropriate fields in cell drop downs. This will help to reduce error in data entry.

Equis Multimedia Electronic Data Deliverable Tables
This file contains a set of tables that make up the MEDD. This includes definitions for each data element and notation as to which elements must be collected in order for the data to be loaded into WVDEP’s databases. Note that it is expected that each program within the agency will elect to require additional fields beyond those required for the data to load.

EQuIS Multimedia Electronic Data Deliverable Valid Values Table
This file is a set of tables listing the Valid Values for those fields that have defined, acceptable values.

EQuIS Users Manual
The WVDEP User’s Manual explains how the MEDD is being implemented in our pilot. This document provides more detailed instructions on preparing data to be submitted and notes those fields that WVDEP is requiring for data submittals. The list of data elements required for a submittal to the state is more extensive than that given in the MEDD files. For the MEDD files, required fields are only those which are needed for upload to the database.

Forests and Flooding Report
Report that reviews and summarizes scientific literature regarding the effects of timber management activities on flooding. This report concerns the storms of July 2001 in southern West Virginia.

Guide for Developing a Local Source Water and Protection Program
Step-by-step guide for developing a local source water assessment and protection program.

inDEPth Monthly Newsletter
This newsletter is published by the Department of Environmental Protection's Public Information Office.

Issued Permits
These documents show permits issued by the Department of Environmental Protection on a monthly basis.

Keeping Your Yard Green or Our Streams Clean
A West Virginia Homeowner's guide to environmentally sound lawn care.

Land Restoration Voluntary Program
The Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Act (VRRA) was enacted by the West Virginia Legislature for the purpose of encouraging the voluntary clean-up of contaminated sites and redevelopment of abandoned and under-utilized properties.

Meat & Poultry Inspection Division
The West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Meat and Poultry Inspection Division is a State-Federal cooperative meat and poultry inspection program. Our basic purpose is to provide for the inspection, labeling and disposition of animals, poultry, carcasses, and meat and poultry products which are to be sold or offered for sale though commercial outlets for human consumption; and inspecting and licensing commercial and custom slaughterhouses and/or meat and poultry processing facilities located in the State of West Virginia.

Permit Hearings and Appeals Guide
This guide is designed to provide an overview of public participation in the DEP permit application process and the steps to appeal a DEP decision. This booklet is only a guide and not to be regarded as a legal document.

Quick Guide to the Department of Environmental Protection
Informational brochure that provides the location, contact information and agency names for all of the Department of Environmental Protection offices and divisions.

Roads to Rivers Video - Building Roads Properly Helps to Protect WV Waterways
Video segment produced by the Department of Environmental Protection discussing roadway development best practices to protect West Virginia waterways.

Save our Streams
WV Save Our Streams is a volunteer monitoring program that trains persons of all ages, how to monitor and become watchdogs over their local wadeable streams and rivers.

Solid Waste Management Plan
The purpose of this developmental plan is to: meet the requirements of WV codes, comply with U.S Environmental Protection Agency regulatory requirements, ensure that an adequate capacity of environmentally protective solid waste disposal facilities exist to meet the needs of the people of West Virginia, determine state actions required to meet the reduction and recycling goals and other solid waste management policies, and to provide guidance to local solid waste authorities and municipalities in meeting the state goals and solid waste management policies, through implementation of integrated solid waste management programs.

State of the Environment Report
The second edition of West Virginia’s State of the Environment Report is based on a scientific approach to describing elements of environmental quality. To the extent possible, the report presents a numerical view of the air we breathe, the quality of our waters, and the land we live on.

State of the Environment Report (First Edition)
This report provides a snapshot of the environment in the State of West Virginia. It is the first report of its kind and provides a baseline for measuring our efforts to protect our land, air and water.

State of the Environment Report (Second Edition)
The second edition of the State of the Environment Report shows remarkable progress made in the State West Virginia with improving trends in its air and water quality.

Stream Access Permitting Program Brochure
Informational brochure on the Stream Access Permitting Program that is designed to allow landowners, following an approved plan, to remove debris and deposits of silt and rock from established stream channels and manage stream banks in such a way as to ensure the overall integrity of the stream.

West Virginia Department of Agriculture's Environmental Programs
The West Virginia Department of Agriculture's Environmental Program serves the citizens of West Virginia by encouraging the farm community to continue to produce food and fiber for global distribution while preserving the surrounding natural resources for the generations of the future. A strong program for maintaining high water and air quality standards is achieved through the efforts of trained environmental technicians, laboratory personnel and environmental specialists. Participation in mutual environmental projects with other state agencies, national programs, and producer associations results in the department maintaining an innovative role in agricultural conservation.

West Virginia's E-Cycling Program
The e-Cycling program was designed to utilize a system of shared responsibility to effectively address what has become a important and growing environmental and social issue - what to do with obsolete electronics.

Youth Environmental Program
The West Virginia Youth Environmental Program is a unique statewide environmental education effort. Participation in community environmental projects such as litter control, recycling, beautification, tree-planting, etc., enables a club to become eligible for over $11,000 in cash awards and scholarships.
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