Employee: Alaska
Current Employee

* Division of Personnel
* Deferred Compensation Plan
* Employee Call Center
* Netpay Calculator
* Pay Dates
* Supplemental Annuity Plan
* What Insurance Plan Am I In?

New Employee

* Orientation
* Deferred Compensation Plan
* My Retirement Account
* Reality Investing
* Supplemental Annuity Plan


* Division of Personnel
* Employee Call Center
* Personnel Forms
* State Labor Contracts Update

Tech Corner

* Change Your Password
* State eSecurity Office
* USD (Electronic Trouble Ticket)
* Web Mail (Outlook) Login
* Who to Call

Health Insurance
* Insurance Benefits
* AlaskaCare / Select Benefits
Union Health Trusts
o Labor, Trades and Crafts
o Public Safety Employees Assoc.
o Mt. Edgecumbe Teachers
o Masters, Mates & Pilots
* Premera Online
* Retirement and Benefits
* Status Change - AlaskaCare / Select Benefits only
* Report an Injury
* Health Insurance Enrollment

Career Planning

* Jobs - Alaska Job Center Network
* Leaving State Employment (PERS)pdf icon
* Leaving State Employment (TRS)pdf icon
* Workplace Alaska - State Jobs

Retirement Planning

* Calculator
* My Retirement Account
* Netpay Calculator
* Pay Dates - Retirement Checks
* Retiree Health Insurance
* Reality Investing
* Tier Chart, PERS pdf icon
* Tier Chart, TRS pdf icon


* Directory of State Officials
* State Employee Directory
* State Calendar

Alaska Law
* Alaska Admin Code
* Alaska Admin Manual
* Alaska Statutes
* Ethics

* Personnel Forms
* Premera Health Insurance Forms
* Procurement Information
* Retirement & Benefit Forms
* Salary Schedules
* State Travel Information
* Training Opportunities
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